Holistic Psychology

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: The Body Scan

A quote about the body scan from author and mindfulness teacher, Jon Kabat-Zinn:
"When we practice the body scan, we are reclaiming the vibrancy of the body as it is from the cloud of unawareness that stems from its being taken for granted, so familiar is it to us. Without trying to change anything, we are investing it with our attention and therefore, with our appreciation and or love. We are explorers of this mysterious, ever-changing body-universe that simultaneously is us in such a profound way and isn't us in an equally profound way."

Begin by finding a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting. A quiet environment is best.
Start to bring awareness to your breath. Do not try to change it or even judge it; simply watch each breath as it flows in, and then out. If your mind pulls away from the breath to other thoughts - to do lists, plans, conversations - just notice where it goes and gently bring awareness back to the breath.
Now, bring your awareness to your feet. Notice any sensations that may be there; can you feel the rug or blanket underneath them? Perhaps they are a bit cold, or warm. Simply notice. With this same quality of awareness, move up to your ankles and lower legs. What sensations dwell there?
Continue up your body at whatever pace feels right. As before, if you find your thoughts wandering from your body and off into other tasks, gently tug them back.
See if you sense areas of tension, restlessness, heaviness, or numbness. If you do, try not to judge or dismiss these parts. Instead, send love and appreciation to them. You may even ask a question of a particularly sore spot - what is it holding? What can you do to support it?
When you have finished the scan, return once again to your breath. You may wish to thank your body for its wisdom before gently beginning to move and enter back into the environment around you.

This practice is wonderful for cultivating mindfulness and opening a dialogue with your body. It can also be very helpful when trying to fall asleep at night.